We carefully select luxury oils, herbs, botanicals, spices, and extracts to give each formula it’s own unique therapeutic skin and aromatherapy benefits. We hand grind our herbs, botanicals, and spices the old fashioned way using a mortar and pestle to ensure that their medicinal qualities are preserved.
Goats Milk - Goat's milk soap delays signs of skin again due to its high content of alpha-hydroxy acids such as lactic acid. Alpha-hydroxy acids break down dead skin cell bonds, removing dead skin cells from the skin's surface and leaving behind new cells on the surface that appear smoother and more youthful. Goat's milk reduces skin inflammation due to its fat molecule content. The cream present in goat's milk is a moisturizer, soothing dry and damaged skin, possessing an anti-inflammatory effect. Goat's milk is packed full of essential nutrients and vitamins like vitamin D, C, B1, B6, B12, and E, that feed the skin and are absorbed into the body. Studies now show that goat's milk is effective for treating acne and skin conditions. This is primarily because goat's milk has anti-bacterial properties that delay the growth of microbial organisms that spur the spread of acne.
Honey - Honey has significant antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities that make it very useful as a conditioning agent for the skin. Although composed primary of fructose and glucose, honey also contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, probiotics and other components that it delivers to skin cells. Powerful botanical compounds neutralize blemish and wrinkle-causing free radicals on the skin surface and within deep tissues, before they cause damage
Lavender - Lavender is great for the skin. Some of its skin benefits include that of being antiseptic and anti-fungal which helps to reduce scarring and speeds healing.
Rose - Rose Buds have healing and nourishing qualities and act as a gentle astringent. They contain anti-oxidants that can fight free radicals, skin irritants, excess sebum, and germs. Great for dry, stressed and dehydrated skin.
Calendula - Dried calendula petals are a great addition to soap because they maintain their color imparting an orange color to the soap. The petals are antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and immune stimulating. These properties are useful for treating various types of dermatitis such as eczema.
Much of the healing properties of calendula are because of its high levels of carotenoids (vitamin A like compounds). Because these compounds are oil soluble, an infused oil is a good way to go. Calendula also contains oil soluble sterols that help plump the skin and keep it thick.
Colloidal Oatmeal - Colloidal Oatmeal is generally used in the bath as an additive to bath water, which moisturizes dry and problem skin, especially that of eczemic skin in children. This Colloidal Oatmeal is GMO-free and consists of key active ingredients such as beta glucan, which acts as a natural, deep penetrating moisturizer and avenanthramides, natural antihistamines that reduce skin irritations and itching.
Rice Bran Oil - Rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants that will leave your skin soft and healthy, Rice Bran Oil has been used for decades in Japan and China as a beauty aid. Rice bran oil is also rich in a substance known as oryzanol, an antioxidant and free radical 'buster' more powerful than Vitamin E. Rice bran oil nourishes skin cells with vitamins and antioxidants, slowing down and preventing aging process, and helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Rice bran oil also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help sooth and calm down irritated skin.